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Zocalo Temporarily Closed Due to Fire

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  • By Zocalo
Zocalo Temporarily Closed Due to Fire

Due to a recent fire, Zocalo will be closed for renovations until further notice.

The fire that started behind Zocalo on January 4 caused extensive direct fire damage to vehicles, the back garden, the work room and the back of the greenhouse. There is extensive smoke and water damage, as well as a loss of heat, power and water to the entire Zocalo space. We are presently wading through all the intricacies of assessments, adjusters, investigators, the needs of team Zocalo and much more.

Due to this, Zocalo will be closed for renovations for an undetermined period of time. We are fortunate to have insurance that will help with the rebuild, but that doesn’t cover all of our expenses and other commitments. These details are presently being sorted.

We are truly overwhelmed with the outpouring of support, kind words, and gestures of care from our community. We feel a huge amount of gratitude for all of your reach outs.


How You Can Help 

Many of you have asked how you can help, and there will be many different opportunities along this journey, but this is one way:

Purchase a gift card through our online gift card program. You can send it to a friend or keep it for yourself. Though we are presently closed for in-person and online shopping, this allows you to contribute in an immediate way to Zocalo’s initial emergency and rebuild. Indeed, while we don’t know the weather of the upcoming months, we look forward to celebrating the new germinations of spring. 

To get your gift card, Click Here


Spring is coming. We look forward to the re-bloom.

Much love, Z.